Sustrans NCN inconsistences

The National Cycle Network can be seen on Ordnance Survey maps (OS) using data supplied by Sustrans. It can also be seen on OpenCycleMap using data provided by volunteers.

The NCN shown on the two maps [OS map and the OpenStreetmap (OSM) – on which OpenCycleMap is based] is different and it shouldn’t be.

A review of the differences between the NCN map (as provided by Sustrans) and the current version of Openstreetmap can be seen on the analysis map.

Review the yellow highlighted areas which show the discrepancies. Turn on/off layers by using the legend at top right.

The analysis takes account of the removed and reclassified sections of the NCN and compares just the OSM NCN and the remaining NCN after removal and reclassification.

Sustrans make the NCN data available as open data and this has been used in the analysis rather than the data from Ordnance Survey.

Some discrepancies are down to:

  • Links on the Sustrans NCN that might not be included on OSM

However, others show:

  • wrong alignment on either NCN or OSM mapping which should be corrected. The analysis has used a 20 metre difference so sometimes the misalignment is fairly minor and is a low priority to fix.
  • historical changes to the network that aren’t reflected in the mapping.
  • mismatch between Openstreetmap Regional Routes and the Sustrans NCN – some OSM regional routes are included in the Sustrans NCN, some aren’t. There are some issues with the OSM regional routes not actually being named the same as the Sustrans regional routes included in the NCN and these will need updating within OSM.
  • Ferry routes are shown on the OSM map (as part of the NCN) but not on the Sustrans maps so are highlighted as discrepancies

Whilst local knowledge is needed to understand whether the Sustrans OS map or the Openstreetmap map is correct (or neither) there should be no discrepancies. Thus the yellow highlights show areas where either the Sustrans map or the Openstreetmap need to be corrected and should be reviewed by people with local knowledge.

Map data from Openstreetmap