For this scheme a plan of paving styles is provided but it is hard to understand the cycle route improvements that are proposed. The plan suggests that the existing cycle and foot path on the west side of Traffic Street will be retained and widened.
The planned cycle / pedestrian route will link with the existing “on pavement” cycle route from outside Next towards the London Rd roundabout after passing across the entrance and exit roads for the Debion car park. There is a cycle and pedestrian crossing over Traffic Street from outside Next to the pavement between Liversage and Hope Streets.

Whilst the description says that cycle routes between the bus station and Castleward will be improved it is hard to see that any improvements will be significant as the cycle and pedestrian route on the west side of Traffic Street is already adequate.

At the north western side of the planned works, the current pedestrian / cycle route along the underpass ends near the exit from the bus station. Improvements to avoid cyclists having to mix with the taxi traffic on Morledge would be a big improvement but this doesn’t seem to be included in the scope of the plans.
It is important to link the bus station to the North East via the existing off road routes and light controlled crossings into Bass Recreation Ground and these should be retained (and improved if possible).
An improvement that would be very useful would be to provide a facility for securely parking your cycle at the bus station. Currently there are a number of Sheffield stands outside the bus station in a location that is a cycle crime hot spot.

A cynical person may not be able to see a lot of cycle features in the plans and may think that a “cycling” spin has been put onto previously planned improvements to the bus station and surrounding roads to get access to the active travel funds!
None of the plans seem to be bad for cycling but it is questionable whether there is really any benefit for cyclists. This scheme could be a large spend on supposed improvements for Active Travel. The money could be spent much more usefully elsewhere in Derby on linking up existing, or creating new, off road cycle routes.